Friday 16 February 2007

Why do the media hate George?

What is it with the so called mainstream media and their witch-hunt of 'Gorgeous' George Galloway?

The Serious Fraud Office confirmed that recent allegations in the Guardian and Evening Standard were without basis in fact. To top it, they didn't even ask for a comment that would have checked their 'error'.

We have seen photos and reports of Galloway meeting the Iraqi dictator, whilst those of Donald Rumsfelt squeezing his hand and providing weapons are forgotten.

It seems the papers push their own agenda (for it is no coincidence that we have elections in May) because they know that RESPECT would move to curtail the gutter press from reporting tittle-tattle and they'd have to write something that had content.

It's a pity we have to once more witness such drivel.


Anonymous said...

George has 25 years of corruption behind him.
Many in the press know the detail.

Luke Akehurst said...

I disagree with just about everything you publish on this blog. I suspect that this idiot disagrees with you even more.

Sam McNair said...

Well “anonymous” really must get out more – a breath of fresh air will expel the myth that the press are a sure source of the truth.

As for you Luke, we must agree to differ, but thanks for the reply. The unfortunate point of the content of this blog, is that we are lied to and some people despite the mounting criticism have been proven right. That's more than Bliar et al can muster. Take his recent attempt at trying to play the victim/hero of the people.

He must have inhaled a lot if he thinks that one will wash!