Monday 26 February 2007

Son of Star wars, or Son of a Bliar?

Well it appears we nearly have another done deal with the US about hosting their missile defence system nicknamed “Son of Star Wars” after the original Strategic Defence Initiative - or Star Wars.

One would not be surprised to learn that having such a system sited here in the UK would actually make it more dangerous for us. However that really doesn't seem to be a problem that Bliar wants to get in the way of yet another sop to the US of A, so much so that he decided to start the deal rolling without the decency of speaking to our elected representatives about it.

Bliar will leave office with a legacy, but not the one he wants. He'll be remembered for dragging us into wars and exposing us to the increased threat of a nuclear attack that would be triggered in Washington or Moscow with nothing we could do about it, other than to die of course.

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