Wednesday 21 February 2007

Here we go again!

With the Trident vote only weeks away combined with the looming threat of war spreading to Iran, I now think I am feeling just as concerned as my parents were during the Cuban missile crisis.

With two young children, whose future I now fear for, I think we should all speak up against this latest rush to war and the funding of a wholly unnecessary missile system.

The ratcheting up of pressure to get Iran to bend to the will of George Bush is wholly unacceptable. He sends in carrier fleets like James T Kirk puts the Enterprise into orbit - threatening total destruction, 'shock'n'awe', unless his idea of good order is imposed, regardless of justice or international law.

There are many countries who have developed nuclear know-how, but we never threaten nor invade them. We did trample all over Iraq (and you know my views on that) because they were weak, so why are we surprised that another country George doesn't like (more unfinished business I think) strengthens their weapons capability?

If we didn't allow the neocons to attack the defenceless and pulled out of these brutal overseas adventures, then we would not see the scramble for the bomb.

Turning to Trident, I see no contradiction, even in the current circumstances, in opposing this unnecessary weapon when we can't even provide care for the vulnerable in society.

We have hospital units closing in all over the UK, dozens of community nurse posts being cut throughout the country (the very people the Health Secretary says will pick up the shortfall in hospital provision) and pensions wiped out. This blog is too short to allow me to list all the problems.

A fraction of the £billions we intend to spend on this latest bomb to end all bombing, would give us all a standard of living and free public services we could only dream of.

I oppose the march to war with bigger and better bombs and would ask that you too voice opposition to these looming disasters.

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