Friday, 6 June 2008

Get emailing, telephoning and protesting NOW!

On Sunday 15 June, the mass murderer-in-chief George Bush will be visiting Britain to meet with Gordon Brown, who continues to collude obediently with Bush's war crimes. Stop the War, in conjunction with CND, has called a demonstration on that day, which will assemble in Parliament Square at 1pm.

Clearly it is important that we all join together and protest either in person, or by writing to your MP, Gordon Brown and to all family and friends to encourage them to protest about the visit.

Here’s what some others have to say about the Texan butcher:-

HAROLD PINTER, playwright and Nobel prize winner:
"There is no more suitable candidate for Leading War Criminal than George Bush. The only person that comes anywhere near him is Tony Blair. They are both beneath contempt. Bush should certainly be arrested and sent to Guantanamo Bay where he can rot forever.

"LOUISE CHRISTIAN, human rights lawyer:
"George Bush bears a heavy responsibility as the leader of the most powerful country in the world who has comprehensively turned his back on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 and the whole concept of international law.

"MOAZZAM BEGG, former Guantanamo detainee:
"History will judge G.W. Bush as the man who wreaked devastation and destruction on earth even as he was having men tortured in the world's most notorious and secret prisons."

Get emailing, telephoning and protesting NOW!

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