Monday 25 June 2007

New boss, old routine

What a sight the mounted police in Manchester were during Sunday’s Stop the War demonstration. Indeed, so numerous were they that you could believe there were more horses in Manchester on Sunday than took part in the Charge of the Light Brigade at the Battle of Balaclava during the Crimean War. Of course the GMC mounted force was well supported by many more officers on foot and a very noisy helicopter.

The image of thousands of Stop the War demonstrators hemmed in on all sides as they moved through the city in stops and starts, under the control of the folk in yellow who were clearly instructed not to crack a smile, should have allowed you to consider the strength of feeling and arguments of all involved.

However, the sad reality is that you were denied seeing it in the British “free” press as spin and control seized the helm of the media, just as TB had taken control during his time as PM/Dictator.

Save for a few outlets, there was little if any coverage of a demonstration led by the parents, siblings and friends of those young people sent to die in a far off field so that a gallon of petrol flowing into the tank of an SUV in Jerkwater USA is as cheap as it can possibly be. No respect for their point of view in the press. No acknowledgement of their sacrifice by the media or governmet.

Instead, all we had was a man who stood unopposed and surprisingly “won” bowng to us, with his victorious deputy making a speech wherein she told the great and the good of New Labour that the government should acknowledge the anger felt over Iraq, but at the same time support British troops.

So seriously did Brown and New Labour take her on the day, that not one person in the party acknowledged the thousands outside the conference who were showing their anger, to include people like Rose Gentle who still awaits being told why her son Gordon died at the age of 19, sent to war on a pack of lies.

If anyone thinks that New Labour and the mainstream British media will depart from TB’s idea of spin and lies, then just reflect on just how long it took for Gordon et al to fall back into the same old routine – a matter of hours.

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