Tuesday 16 January 2007

The loss of all that dosh - sad innit!

Tony Blair has said dropping a fraud probe into a Saudi arms deal was not a "personal whim" but based on "the judgement of our entire system".

Mr Blair needs to come up with something big now that there are reports that MI6 (who he has fallen out with) have refused to endorse his claim the probe into Saudi bribes would harm the UK's national interest, as opposed to worries about the loss of all that dosh.

It looks like Blair has nobody to back him up. If M16 do not know what would harm the UK's national interest, then who does?

The destruction caused by his intervention, of the separation of powers between law maker and law enforcer that is essential in a free democratic society, has come back to haunt Blair.

What price will we all pay for his abuse of our constitution (you know, the one that exists, so we are told)?

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