Monday, 27 August 2007

Abuse of Protesters Human Rights

Anyone who thinks that human rights in the UK are a one-sided affair in favour of hardened criminals and others who usually would not attract much sympathy should take time to look through the court injunction obtained by npower who want to dump 500,000 of waste ash into Radley Lakes, an area rich in wildlife and much loved by the ordinary folk of the surrounding community.

A copy of it can be seen at:

RWE NPower and Oxfordshire County Council have between them concocted a scheme which will destroy a beautiful lake, an area rich in bio-diversity that should be protected. To ensure there is no reporting of the ongoing devastation nor many voices raised in protest, the same legal team who tried (unsuccessfully)to injunct £5million folk on behalf of BAA have done a similar hatchet job on protesters, press photographers and others who now face jail and/or ruin for even uttering a person’s name or protesting against the destruction.

When we protested that freedom from harassment legislation would be abused to stifle legitimate protest we were condemned by Cameron et al and the right-wing press as rabble rousing liberals.

How right it appears we were when the right to defend these wetlands is defeated by the abuse we warned would follow.